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Finnish Disney Comics History

Finnish Disney-comics artists

Sisu, Sauna and Ducks!
Although there is no own Disney-comics production in Finland, we have had few artists of our own to draw and write some Disney stuff. Earliest efforts may have been unlisenced, as some WWII period propaganda postcards in which Mickey Mouse offends Russians.
On this page I have gathered some info about Finnish Disney artists with samples of work. Click on artists name below to obtain more info.

Donald in sauna - illustration by Don Rosa

Mauri Kunnas, children’s book illustrator-writer and comic strip artist wrote one Donald Duck story in 1973.

Harri Vaalio made several Winnie the Pooh-comics in 1980’s.
Tarmo Koivisto and Masa Pulkkinen have made some Disney illustrations.

Jukka Murtosaari (1963-2016) worked as a cover artist for Disney at the time when Disney had it´s own comic book publishing venture early 1990´s. Jukka went to USA California to work for Finnish feature animation movie Sindbad. While he was there, he decided to find some work to do for major comic book companies, and he found his way to Disney.

Kari Korhonen (b.1973) has worked for Danish Egmont Comic Creation, large Disney comics producer, from 1993. He has done the variety of Disney comics. From one-pagers to longer stories, from just scripting to all finished artwork, from mice to ducks and other Disney characters. Plus special covers and additional editorial material just for Finnish Disney comics publisher HelsinkiMedia.

Kai Vainiomäki (b. 1979) made his writing debut in Disney comics with Donald Duck story published in 2005. Story was illustrated by norwegian artist Arild Midthun.