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What the heck is Taskaritietokanta?

Taskaritietokanta (a short, Finnish word for "Database about Donald Duck -pocket books") is - as its title says - a big database, which contains everything you've ever wanted to know (well, almost) about Finnish Donald Duck "pocket book" comics, referred here as "taskarit". A pocket book is a circa 250 pages long, nowadays 4-colour and monthly collection of Disney comics (mostly Donald Duck / Mickey Mouse -comics). Previously "taskarit" were translated directly from German comic books, but nowadays stories are chosen and translated straightly from Italian Topolino comics.

A small team of Finnish hard-core Disney comic fans have gathered all the information presented within these pages. Most of the information is obtained from the excellent INDUCKS-database. A big, duckish "thank you" to Harry Fluks and his buddies!

Thanks to INDUCKS, we have created probably the biggest Disney-oriented pocket book site in Finland. We have gathered information (writers, artists, publishing years, original names etc.) from each that which we have seen in "taskarit", starting from the early 70's. We've also rated (from 1 to 5) each story (well, we've not rated stories, which are less than 6 pages long). We have also worked in co-operation with Helsinki Media Sarjakuvat, the publisher of Disney comics in Finland.

For additional information, please contact mr. Ari Seppi,